Thursday, July 24, 2008

Videos Online

U tube is no longer accessible in our library which is quite frustrating as I receive quite a few links to utube via emails. I'm interested in how libraries promote via utube. One thing it was interesting to note is that there is a google version! I should have known being the huge google fan that I am but I didn't know it existed. I knew about google images which are fantastic for answering some of the Reference queries that I receive. Maybe it's because our computers are too slow to successfully view any videos.
I think I'll move on to the next week's topic!


Finished exploring Wikis some time ago but haven't found the time to blog again til now.
I sometimes use Wikipedia on the Reference desk as it is occasionally the only source available. I've used it for info on electronics and circuits as this is something we do not hold in our library. The client was happy with what I found but I emphasised that this was a 'free' encyclopaedia that anyone could contribute to and that I could not guarantee the accuracy of the info.
One area where Wikipedia is really good is entertainment. For film and movie buffs there is quite extensive info on actors including all their roles. It is also great to answer questions such as how many seasons are there of Star Trek, Stargate etc.

I like the idea of using Wikis for procedure manuals. It would be good where the contributors were quite distant to each other. At our library we have a shared network drive and this really works for us, so I don't see a Wiki as being of use to us. But it could be useful for our region where everyone has a different computer system as we have several member councils.

That's all for now.